Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Dell Finally Got It Right
Which by the way is full of technologically incompotant prople...
I decided to try to contact Dell again, in hopes of finding a tech person fluent in the English language. I was successful! I was put into contact with Andy, a tech support person from Salt Lake City, Utah.
Here is the transcript...My words in bold...
10:00:58 AM System
You are now being connected to an agent. Thank you for using Dell Chat
10:00:58 AM System
Connected with SLCg_Andy_172288
10:00:58 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Thank you for contacting Dell Hardware Warranty Support, my name is Andy. How may I help you today?
10:02:12 AM Bryan McDonald
Hello Andy...I have tried to have this conversation two previous times but have been disconnected...my previous session id was 20489949
10:02:51 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Looks like the notebook was dropped correct? The I1521.
10:03:02 AM Bryan McDonald
10:04:26 AM Bryan McDonald
There are two parts that are broken...The FIRST is the clip that holds the screen to the base. The Second is in the bottom right hand corner of the base. There is a part where the grey plastic meets the black plastic...both of these base pieces are cracked/broken
10:05:03 AM Bryan McDonald
There is nothing wrong with the LCD...just the clip that holds it down
10:05:48 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Is the computer still functioning correctly?
10:06:55 AM Bryan McDonald
So, basically, what I need is a shipping label to send it in...or a location where I can bring it to have it fixed...Somewhere near Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
10:06:55 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Such as is there any error?
10:07:23 AM Bryan McDonald
The CD/DVD burner seems to be making some rattling
10:07:33 AM Bryan McDonald
NO error code as of yet
10:07:38 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Yes I can set up to have a tech come out and do this. It will be faster than sending it to us.
10:08:03 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Just to make sure I will replace that as well.
10:09:32 AM Bryan McDonald
What kind of time frame are we talking about?
10:10:34 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Well if the tech gets parts tomorrow that you could be done over the weekend. Worst case scenario is by Tuesday.
10:11:39 AM Bryan McDonald
Actually, I will be out of town starting tomarrow morning until Monday, July 21...Is there any way I can schedule it for anytime July 22-25?
10:12:51 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Yes you will need to contact us when you get back so we can set that up. Our tech can only hold on to parts for 5 days then has to send them back to us.
10:13:09 AM Bryan McDonald
Ok...Also, I have been having some trouble with Vista...and really have not been very happy with it at all...it is a huge resource hog even for my 2gb processor...is there any way to downgrade to XP without losing my data?
10:15:34 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
No, the only way you would lose data would be if you upgraded to vista. Then wanted to downgrade. But since the system came with Vista you need to back up your data for that.
10:15:49 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
10:16:44 AM Bryan McDonald
Do you guys offer a downgrade package for customers who are not happy with vista or would that cost $$??
10:17:55 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
We do not offer operating swaps. You would need to purchase a retail copy of XP for that.
10:21:24 AM Bryan McDonald
So, I will contact you when I get back in town...By the way...where are you located?? Just wondering...
10:22:05 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Salt lake city, Utah. Is there any other question for me?
10:22:12 AM Bryan McDonald
Well, thanks, Andy...you have been most helpful. I will be emailing your supervisor with positive feedback!!!
10:22:25 AM SLCg_Andy_172288
Thank you for contacting Dell Hardware Warranty, have a nice day. I'll be sending a summary email with your case number in it.
10:22:30 AM System
SLCg_Andy_172288 has left this session!
10:22:30 AM System Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"Hello, this is Dell, would you like a slushie?"
I don't really expect any of you to actually read this whole post...
Unless you have been under a rock lately, you know that most large companies out source much of their menial tasks to places that pay their workers less than $100 per month...Welp, Dell, Inc. is one of em...
If you are into reading, you should take a stab at The World is Flat, by Thomas Freidman. It is a book about globalization in the 21st century. Pretty informative read...
Tonight I thought, instead of contacting Dell through the phone, I'll try the chat feature. Maybe it will be easier to understand the written word rather than a thick Indian accent. Well, it was for me...but not him.
My part of the conversation is in bold...Note my anger...I withheld though...
12:02:49 AM System
You are now being connected to an agent. Thank you for using Dell Chat
12:02:49 AM System
Connected with SLCg_Benjamin_187319
12:03:09 AM SLCg_Benjamin_187319
Thank you for contacting Dell Hardware Warranty Support. My Name is Ben. How may I help you?
12:03:33 AM Bryan McDonald
I was just connected with a Bradley in session ID 20489906...but got disconnected from the dell server somehow...
12:04:32 AM Bryan McDonald
My service tag # is 3Q956D1 and I need to find out how to receive Complete Care warranty service...
12:05:16 AM Bryan McDonald
Yesterday I accidently dropped my computer bag and part of the clop that holds the LCD to the keyboard broke...
12:05:27 AM SLCg_Benjamin_187319
Ok it looks like you were working on replacing a broken hinge or something?
12:06:32 AM Bryan McDonald
Also, in the bottom right hand corner of the bottom section (near where the Vista icon sticker is located) chipped and there is a hole on both the gray plastic and black plastic
12:07:02 AM Bryan McDonald
Not really a hinge....more of a slide....the thing that clips the two halves together
12:08:08 AM SLCg_Benjamin_187319
Ok so you are just looking to get those parts replaced. Am I correct?
12:08:21 AM Bryan McDonald
12:09:08 AM Bryan McDonald
I also noticed on my warranty info that I purchased something called, "Next Business Day, Includes Nights/Weekends." does that mean that you guys pick up the shipping???
12:10:32 AM SLCg_Benjamin_187319
Ok and this sis on your Ispiron 1525?
12:10:49 AM Bryan McDonald
No, 1521
12:11:09 AM Bryan McDonald
Service tag 3Q956D1
12:11:21 AM Bryan McDonald
The 1525 is my wife's
12:13:14 AM SLCg_Benjamin_187319
Can you tell were the break is in the screen is it on the screen part the bottom part or both for the hinge.
12:13:21 AM SLCg_Benjamin_187319
12:14:11 AM Bryan McDonald
It is just on the clip part...the screen itself is not damaged as far as I can tell....
12:14:18 AM SLCg_Benjamin_187319
Yes we pick up the shipping.
12:14:58 AM Bryan McDonald
Actually, it is only the clip on the right side...
12:17:30 AM SLCg_Benjamin_187319
So it's just the plastic on the bottom of the screen that is damaged. nothing on the base of the laptop.
12:20:04 AM Bryan McDonald
OK...There are two things that are damaged....
1. The Plastic Clip that holds the screen to the base. The screen is not broken or damaged, just the clip that holds it.
2. On the bottom right hand corner of the base. There are two pieces of plastic that come together...one is grey (top) the other is black (bottom). Both of these are cracked/broken as well.
12:20:41 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:20:44 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:20:49 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:20:56 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:21:57 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:22:13 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:22:21 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:22:26 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:22:30 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:22:35 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
12:22:41 AM System
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Endof the Earth
I have been to the end of the earth. Literally. Hickman, KY is a small town. I mean there is nothing there. Wait. I take that back, there is a liquor store. Could not find a grocery store but saw a liquor store.
View Larger Map
The reason we were there is to drive by and see what we could of the New Madrid Fault Zone. All we found of the greatest earthquake to hit North America was this picture.
While in this lovely town we noticed a photo op (imagine that) and stopped. Apparently, the Army Core of Engineers were commissioned in 1996 to erect a huge retaining wall to keep the city of Hickman from becoming part of the Mississippi River backwater. 17 Million dollars later, the project was complete. I am really not even sure how to spell KY, that is why I have been abbreviating it (and I'm pretty sure Al Gore doesn't either) , so why on earth would I want my tax dollars to save this hole in the ground from falling in the rivers. I can think of 17 million different things that they could have done with that money that would have been more beneficial than to save a dying town. I mean, in the 1950's Congress bought out thousands of homes underneath Greers Ferry Lake to make that lake. Here, nearly 50 years later they are paying to keep them. What gives?
Anyway, we have been staying with Jenny's parents in their RV at Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee. It is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen. You can literally drive for miles and not see another sign of human life besides crops. I hope to come back here and hunt the area during duck season. Should be fun.