Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I should have posted about this months ago. Now you will have to take my word for it. Back in December I downloaded a bunch of the "Official Producers LOST Podcast.". I made the observation then that I thought they were homosexual because of the way they interacted both verbally and non verbally (it was a video podcast). I made the prediction then that we would find out that someone on the show was gay. Well folks, my prediction came true with the release of the most recent episode (which aired before the NCAA tourney got started. I have been kicking myself for several weeks now for not blogging about it sooner.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Snopes and Obama

I love arguing politics with people...especially with Wayne & Rhonda...especially Rhonda...because she gets so ruffled up!

One thing that particularly gets on my nerves though is when people (especially those who know my political views) forward emails to me defaming political candidates. I have received no less than 27 emails on subjects ranging from Obama's not pledging to the flag, to his values, to his campaign financing, to distorted family photos. The problem is most of these email forwards claim to have checked out on, a website dedicated to determining the truthfulness of email forwards and other urban legends. However, when you actually READ the article on the forwards are proven wrong...People, people, people...check your sources...nothing makes you look like a donkey's behind more than passing along these things. I like a funny picture, a joke, whatever, as much as the next guy, but please, for the love of Mike, the three of you that may read this, check your sources!