Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Oldest man 116; Couple Shoot at Each Other

I have wanted to post about this for two weeks now. It is actually kind of aggravating... At school I cannot post from Blogger. I can use google reader to read all of my RSS feeds but cannot post to blogger. So, I have been forced to use my classroom blog to post most of my stuff. Using that blog kind of limits me though...I am limited by the content that I can post because I have my school hat on when posting there. I have been tossing around the idea of registering my own domain...I can do it for less than $50 per year.

Back to the reason for the post...

Several weeks ago BBC reported about a man who lived to be 116 years old! This is simply amazing. I am not sure that I would even want to live to be that old. Think of what all this man saw in his life time:
  • The rise in popularity of the automobile
  • The rise in popularity of the air plane
  • WWI, WWII, Vietnam
  • The space program
  • The Titanic
  • Carnegie Hall opened the year of his birth
  • Etc.

Another source that reported on this and asked Nestor why he never married, Nestor said, "If I had had a wife, I would have been in a coffin long ago."

This kind of goes against my good friend Josh's theory but then I found another story where "Couple shoot at each other; wife is killed" is the title. According to authorities, here is the timeline:

  • Couple gets in to an argument about a snow blower
  • Wife goes inside to get shotgun (12 gauge)
  • Wife shoots at husband and misses
  • Husband gets pissed and retrieves his handgun from vehicle
  • Husband and wife have another altercation near car
  • Husband shoots and kills wife
  • Husband calls and waits for police to arrive

Wow, what a Sunday afternoon!

Note: Anyone who does not use some kind of reader to bouese your blogs or any other site that is updated often, you should really consider using google for really is wonderful!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Wow... Actually, the American home is one of the most dangerous places on earth you could be. It's where most crimes and murders happen especially.