Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year's Resolution

I almost never make a New Year's Resolution for several reasons:
  1. I almost never keep them
  2. If I try to keep it and fail it makes me look bad and I don't like looking bad
  3. I think they are stupid
Well, this year is different. (Actually, it is no different than last year but I am going to make it different.) I am going to make and keep a New Year's Resolution!

My New Year's Resolution will be to loose 100 pounds before January 1, 2009.

I have several reasons for making this resolution:
  1. It is difficult to tie my shoes without holding my breath
  2. It is difficult to do any kind of rigorous activity without loosing my breath
  3. I don't like looking/feeling like a blimp
  4. I don't want to have a heart attack/stroke by age 30 (but if I do, it better kill me)
Actually, I have not liked the above things for sometime now...probably the number one reason for me wanting to loose weight came last Sunday. An elder at my parents church, whom I love and respect shook my hand after church and asked me if I had entered a weight gaining contest. Now, I know that he was just kidding and I'm not saying that it even hurt my feelings (I mean, common, I am a middle school teacher for crying out loud, I have had much, much worse things said to me than that) but it actually made me realize, "hey, I am fat." I knew it all along, but actually having someone else say it to my face, in such a matter of fact way, was kind of humbling/humiliating (even though this man meant not to do either of the two). So, thanks for the inspiration.

When I left Searcy, I weighed my self and was shocked. For the better part of a year now, I have hovered in the 290-295 range. Thursday, December 20, I weighed in at 304 pounds. So, if I can stay motivated this time next year I will be down to 204 (incidentally, lower than I was as a freshman in High School!)

I can do this if I loose an average of 1.923 pounds per week.

I will have to have some goals in order to accomplish this:
  1. Exercise 3-4 times per week
  2. Cut out all soda (exception, 1 Mt. Dew in months that I have lost each week)
  3. Reduce sweets
  4. Drink more water
  5. Don't eat in the cafeteria unless it is salad
  6. Exercise 3-4 times per week
I will be updating regularly, here is my before photo:

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Oldest man 116; Couple Shoot at Each Other

I have wanted to post about this for two weeks now. It is actually kind of aggravating... At school I cannot post from Blogger. I can use google reader to read all of my RSS feeds but cannot post to blogger. So, I have been forced to use my classroom blog to post most of my stuff. Using that blog kind of limits me though...I am limited by the content that I can post because I have my school hat on when posting there. I have been tossing around the idea of registering my own domain...I can do it for less than $50 per year.

Back to the reason for the post...

Several weeks ago BBC reported about a man who lived to be 116 years old! This is simply amazing. I am not sure that I would even want to live to be that old. Think of what all this man saw in his life time:
  • The rise in popularity of the automobile
  • The rise in popularity of the air plane
  • WWI, WWII, Vietnam
  • The space program
  • The Titanic
  • Carnegie Hall opened the year of his birth
  • Etc.

Another source that reported on this and asked Nestor why he never married, Nestor said, "If I had had a wife, I would have been in a coffin long ago."

This kind of goes against my good friend Josh's theory but then I found another story where "Couple shoot at each other; wife is killed" is the title. According to authorities, here is the timeline:

  • Couple gets in to an argument about a snow blower
  • Wife goes inside to get shotgun (12 gauge)
  • Wife shoots at husband and misses
  • Husband gets pissed and retrieves his handgun from vehicle
  • Husband and wife have another altercation near car
  • Husband shoots and kills wife
  • Husband calls and waits for police to arrive

Wow, what a Sunday afternoon!

Note: Anyone who does not use some kind of reader to bouese your blogs or any other site that is updated often, you should really consider using google for really is wonderful!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh Yes, He is gone!

All I have to say has been a long time coming!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Inconvenient Truth raises questions in B.C. school district

Inconvenient Truth raises questions in B.C. school district

I'm showing it tomorrow.

All of its claims may not be based on scientific fact...but the underlying principals are.

Through it, I hope to generate some meaningful discussion.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Mouse Poo

This LINK is for Jenny. I LOVE you, Babe!

Friday, October 19, 2007

2007_AYP_Post_Appeals_SI.pdf (application/pdf Object)

2007_AYP_Post_Appeals_SI.pdf (application/pdf Object)

So, what does it mean if the big three (Little Rock, North Little Rock, and Pulaski County) are all on the list of schools who "Need Improvement" according to the federal government. Students are to be proficient by 2013. If this holds, all schools in the state will be on the List pretty soon!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Gore and U.N. Panel Share Peace Prize -

Gore and U.N. Panel Share Peace Prize -

"The climate crisis is not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity," Al Gore.

...Moral, sure, okay, I'll buy that. Leave the environment in good shape for the coming generations...

...but a spiritual issue? What the crap, AL? How in the name of common sense is this a spiritual issue?

Please, someone tell me...

That's it, I'm moving to Canada...A country with no Identity...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

"Be careful little eyes what you see"

Today's THV - KTHV Little Rock News Article

Let's not jump the gun on this one...Recently someone shared a story that will make you cringe. The teacher was falsely accused then released. The law says...Guilty until proven innocent...but if proven guilty...bury 'em.

We (educators, ministers, anyone dealing with children) are one lie away from unemployment! That is why it is so important to distance yourself to a certain extent.

I feel for the guy if he IS innocent. Actually, it is a lose-lose situation. If he is proven guilty than an innocent child is scarred...if he is innocent he loses all credibility (even though he is innocent).

Sad, very sad.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

9/11, how much we have changed « Lynch at Large

9/11, how much we have changed « Lynch at Large

Haw very true. Mark my words...The democrats WILL win the election in '08 only to realize that they CANNOT pull out of Iraq. Our boys are over there. They should have THE very best. Sad thing is...they don't!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


My Baby is HOME early. She lied to me about it but I am excited, nonetheless!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I think God laughs at us sometimes

When I mow the grass I usually think. Usually it is about random things. It is really my only uninterrupted time to do so.

Well back to my point.

Look at all of the natural things that God gives us: Air, Plants, Animals, etc. What do we do with them?

We pollute the air with all of our machinery, factories, vehicles, etc. I mean I appreciate having all of these things to use at my disposal.

Plants grow largely to provide us with oxygen and to give habitat to other animals. In the summers we mow the grass and in the winters we rake the leaves. We participate in mass deforestation for what? Lumber to build mansions, paper to print money, etc.

Really, animals makes me laugh too. We harness some animals and call them "pets" while other animals are labeled a nuisance and are exterminated. Some people take this to an extreme and call themselves vegetarians. While there are others who are evolutionarily defunct and practice veganism and must take vitamins to get all essential amino acids that they are missing out on by not eating animal products.

I am still going to drive my car to work, mow my grass in the summer and rake the leaves in the fall, keep my dogs, kill the mice, and eat a nice steak every once in a while...But don't ya think that sometimes, God laughs at us?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Days Ahead

Making the 900+ mile trip in the morning...and I am NOT looking forward to it!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Summer Fun

So, it has been a while.

As most of you know, as of July 1, I am employed by the Pangburn School District. I am VERY excited about the new possibilities this will bring.

We are in sunny Florida. A week or so ago we got to see the Space Shuttle Atlantis take flight. I lived in Florida for 20 years and never took time out to see this incredible waste of tax dollars. I mean, we are paying $3+ per gallon of gas and our government sees fit to spend our hard earned money on what? A multi million dollar mission to repair a broken down RUSSIAN space station. Neil Armstrong must be pissing in his Depends. It really was beautiful though.

Hopefully you will enjoy these pictures.

3...2...1...we have take off!

$500,000,000 well spent.

...what green house effect??

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Traditional Family as an Indicator of Student Success on Arkansas Benchmark Tests

This is my paper that some of you asked to see. I could not figure out how to import the actual word file so you won't be able to see the graphs, charts, etc. If you want to see it (which would be very flattering) just post a comment and I'll Email it to ya.

Got an A in the class by the way.

The Traditional Family as an Indicator of Student Success on Arkansas Benchmark Tests

Many studies have been done to show a relationship between educational outcomes and family structure. Specifically, it is the intention of this study to examine the relationship between students living in a traditional family and the Arkansas Comprehensive Testing, Assessment, and Accountability Program (ACTAAP) scores. Currently, the state of Arkansas requires “Benchmark Exams at grades 3-8, End-of-Course Exams in Algebra I and Geometry, and a Grade 11 Literacy Exam (ADE, 2006).”

The traditional family unit was described by Ginther & Pollak as “families in which all children are the joint children of both parents (2004, 672).” This researcher hypothesizes that students living in traditional families are expected to do better on seventh grade Benchmark Math and Literacy Exams. Furthermore, H0: there will be a statistical significance (α = 0.05) in students living with both their biological mother and biological father. The researcher has noticed from personal work experience that many students in the school district at hand do not live in traditional families. Mere curiosity led to the current study.

Fifty (50) eighth grade students (26 male, 24 female) from an Arkansas delta middle school were given a survey asking their name and who they lived with (Table A1). Most students in the sample are from low income families. More than seventy-five percent of students in the district qualify for free lunch, therefore no students are charged for lunch. Fourteen students (28%) receive some type of special education services ranging from indirect to self contained services. This sample of eighth grade students by no means represents a general population of eighth grade students. There are very few affluent students (if any) in this sample. This will likely skew the results of the study.

Figure A1
Birth Mother/Birth Father
Choices in the survey included birthmother (BM), birthfather (BF), stepmother (SM), stepfather (SF), grandmother (GM), grandfather (GF), aunt (A), uncle (U), brother (B), sister(S), foster-mother (FM), foster-father (FF), adopted-mother (AM), and adopted-father (AF). There was also a space for students to add anyone with whom they live that was not listed on the survey. One student indicated that they lived with their mother’s boyfriend.

Students were insured that surveys would be kept secure but not anonymous. Furthermore, they were told that the only reason for putting their name on the survey would be to connect their survey with their test scores.

After surveys were given, Benchmark test scores were obtained from the previous (2005-06) school year. After scores were put on surveys, names were removed and the list was randomized to insure the students’ identity was removed from the surveys and test scores.

All data analyses were performed using SPSS version 14.0 (SPSS 2005).

When surveys were tallied, the results were not promising. A larger, more diverse sample was clearly needed. As one with average intelligence can gather the range and standard deviation was all over the place for Benchmark Math & Literacy scores (Table A2).

Chi-Square test (Table A3) revealed that it is highly unlikely that in a normal population, the two groups, students living with both biological parents and students not living with both biological parents are not equally as likely.

It was my hope that this study could use a level of significance of 0.05. However, after running independent sample t-tests on SPSS software (Table A4), we would have to use p < 0.861. This is in no way ideal. The outcome of this study can be highly credited to sampling error. There are many other variables that were not or could not be tested. For example, SES data could not be collected because of liability issues with the school and students (even if they could) would not give out that kind of information with any reliability.

Pearson Correlation Coefficients (Table A5) were not significant in math or literacy when students living in traditional families were compared to students living in traditional families (r = 0.071 & r = -0.025 respectively). This suggests that living in a traditional family has little impact on Benchmark test scores.

Despite the hypothesis being rejected, the researcher still strongly holds to the belief that students living in traditional families do better on the Benchmark test for several reasons:
1. The sample was too small
2. The sample was taken from only one school district in the Delta Region of Eastern Arkansas
3. Many other variables were present that were not able to be tested.

Future studies in this area would benefit from including a more diverse selection of geographical regions of the state. This would be beneficial because it would include a wider range of students. A diversity of race, SES, and culture would give a more accurate picture of the problem. A researcher would need to have access to multiple resources including state databases; current census data; and many willing, honest participants.

Another limitation of the research is the fact that the Benchmark scores at the school are generally low (Math μM = 586.30 and μL 534.12). Future research would benefit from not only looking at Benchmark Scores but daily grades as well.

While no definitive results were found, this area is a wide open arena for the state of Arkansas. A more expansive study would be very valuable for educators. From that study, interventions for math and literacy could be derived and implemented for the benefit of the students of Arkansas.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

200+ Brinkley Students Boycott Benchmark Testing

It was reported Wednesday that more than 200 minority students refused to attend school (it is benchmark week in Arkansas). They were led by a local minister. His reasoning was that there are not enough black teachers and administrators in the district. I agree with the superintendent:

"It is indeed a sad comment on our society when certain individuals use their children as pawns to further their own misguided political agenda. This is a personal issue and should not reflect poorly on the fine parents and students of the Brinkley school district. The person leading this action has a long, colorful history of these types of distorted antics."

This action will only hurt the school district because funds are allocated according to test scores. I think the minister responsible should be held liable. I think the Brinkley school district should bring it before a judge and fine all those involved for truancy.

If he is as intelligent as he thinks he is he should look at the number of minoritied who hold a masters and are certified to be an administrator that are in the area. Let's face it. Brinkley is in the delta. Delta schools do not pay as much. You do the math.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This is disgraceful...

Bryant Teacher Charged With Sexual Assault

Twenty five-year old Joseph Bresnahan is the Assistant Band Director at Bryant High School when he arrived on campus Tuesday morning, he was sent home, suspended with pay.

Tuesday afternoon, he was arrested at his home in Bryant on four counts of sexual assault. The victim was a 15-year old male student. Word of the arrest spread quickly as parents picked their kids up at Bryant North.

"Well, if it's true, they need to fire him and throw him in jail," says Randy Sanders.

Police say the assaults of the 15-year old boy occurred at Bresnahan's apartment in Bryant. Four separate assaults over three months and the last one occurred in recent days.

"It is very important for the parents to pay attention to their kids and start watching what they're doing and pay attention to their reactions to the phone calls they receive and so on," says Sgt. Harold Edmonson with the Bryant Police Department.

FOX16 knocked on Bresnahan's door, but no one answered.

"It's terribly shocking, I mean this is such a nice community, it's such a Christian faith based place, and it is shocking," says Jerry Bowers.

Bryant Police said it's the first time they've ever investigated an alleged sexual assault of a teacher against a student.

Randy Sanders says, "You wouldn't expect it to happen anywhere, but it seems like it happens everywhere. So you just deal with it, I've got a good kid, I'm not worried about her, but you never know."

"You know, of course it's disgusting that anybody in authority would do something like that, it's horrible," says Jerry Bowers.

Sources close to the investigation confirmed to FOX16 that it was the mother of the victim who alerted police Tuesday morning.

Bryant is not Joseph Bresnahan's first teaching job, after graduating from Harding University, he was a Band Director at Vilonia High School for three years.

He goes before a judge Wednesday morning.

Frank Warren In Little Rock

I am super excited about this event!!!!!!

Frank Warren
Saturday, April 21, 2007
10:00–11:00 a.m.
Frank Warren, The Secret Lives of Men and Women: A PostSecret Book (Culture/Sociology)It started as a community art project, and grew into the third most popular blog on the web. Warren’s has been called “a fascinating public airing of private thoughts.... The range of efforts (meticulous, sloppy, artful, ponderous) will astound you.” Come see what all the buzz is about.

Moderator: Leslie SingerMain Library, Darragh Center

BIO:In 2004, small business owner Frank Warren began asking people to write down a secret and mail it to him anonymously, on a postcard., the community art project that resulted from Warren’s request, now attracts over 3 million visitors per month and is ranked as the third most popular blog on the web. Warren’s latest hardcover compilation of postcard secrets is THE SECRET LIVES OF MEN AND WOMEN. Other titles include POSTSECRET and MY SECRET.

Monday, March 12, 2007

This Guy Dosen't Even Deserve to Be Alive!

Man Electrocuted While Trying to Steal Copper

March 11, 2007--Posted at 12:40 pm CST
WIDENER- Authorities say a man trying to steal copper from highline electric poles was electrocuted when he touched a live wire.
36 year-old Terry Padgett of Shell Lake, died overnight Thursday. His body was spotted on U.S. 70 near Widener by a motorist, who alerted St. Francis County authorities.
When deputies arrived, they discovered Padgett had been holding a long pole with a cutter on the end. Investigators said downed wire cut from other poles was found nearby.
Copper theft has been a problem for more than a year because of high prices paid at scrap yards.

Monday, February 26, 2007


My first test in stats was last Thursday. Got a 92. Yes, I am proud of it. It has been a while since I have been in school. It makes me feel much better about the rest of the class.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Explosive Diarrhea

Yes, we went through not one but TWO jars of this contaminated Peanut Butter with a matching lot #. I figured, well, hey 3/4 of the jar was gone, what will be the harm in one more spoon full? Well, last night I found the harm. It was like a tiny coark was all that was holding back a massive ammount of, well, poo.
In other news, What in the crap was Britany Spears thinking? She now looks Butch.
Midterm tonight. I am ready! Bring it on! Actually, I kind of played some reverse psychology. I made an annonymous post on our class online bulletin board that I thought the test should be in class rather than take home. Everyone else in the class responded negatively to that post so it looks like the test may be take home afterall! Me so smart!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Friday, February 16, 2007


So, Jenny is sick with the flu. She is lucky though, she caught it early enough that the doc could give her some stuff called temiFlu. It is supposed to knock it down quicker. She also got some cough syrup for her has codine in it so she is on cloud nine! The doc told her that she needed to sleep by her self the next few nights. I haven't had to sleep in the guest bed since, well, ever! If it saves me getting the flu, Ill take it.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

new beginnings

I am not sure what the crap happened to the other blog...I think they shut it down to make everyone use the newer version...Oh well. The high today was 35 degrees ferenheight (at 5pm), our kids went outside for recess.